We are so pleased to announce, that once again, NSU is the recipient of six comprehensive drivers’ education packages from Needham Driving School. A premier driver’s education program in Massachusetts, and long time supporter of NSU, Needham Driving School has enabled dozens of NSU enrolled students to learn to drive and earn their driver’s license.
“As a business in the Needham community, we believe giving back to the very community we serve is central to our mission,” said Paul Caminiti, Owner, Needham Driving School. “Needham Steps Up provides the gift of mentorship to hard working, deserving teens at the high school for whom drivers ed, a state requirement, is often a hardship. Alleviating that barrier to earning their drivers’ license, a right of passage, is our

way of doing our part for these incredible kids.”
Comprehensive driver’s education necessary to obtain a junior operator’s license includes 30 hours of classroom instruction, 12 hours of behind the wheel training, 6 hours of observation training and two hour parent orientation. The program duration is often nine months as a student may begin classroom sessions three months prior to their sixteenth birthday.
Pictured: Martha Barrett, NSU board member and Paul Caminiti, NDS owner
“We are exceedingly grateful to Paul and the Needham Driving School for their continued commitment to NSU students at the highest level,” said Felicia Mathias, co-chair, Needham Steps Up. “Driver’s education is a safety must and a legal requirement, however, unfortunately, the cost of this invaluable program makes it inaccessible for students in our community. Paul’s donation allows NSU students to take drivers ed at no cost to them which is a game changer.”